Up until last week, I was what the government refers to as a Member of Household, or MOH for short. Basically what this means is that in the eyes of the State Department I was luggage – they didn’t mind if I tagged along, but they sure weren’t going to pay for it, sort of like our dog.
But last week in a small ceremony, Alex and I got hitched. What does this mean for us? Well, besides the fact that I have to remember to call her my “wife” instead of “girlfriend” or the less popular “lady type,” it means I am now an Eligible Family Member (EFM). According to the government, I’m official. This gives me all sorts of extra privileges like room for my clothes in our air baggage, possible language training before going to post and a plane ticket to get there.

Of course that’s not why we wanted to get married. We got married because we love each other and have felt that way for quite a long time. We can’t wait to start our adventure in the foreign service, but mostly can’t wait to start it together.
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