With all of our recent interest in real estate in the DC area, one of us did end up with a brand new home. Yes, due to some recent behavior missteps (which I should mention to potential dog-sitters out there seemed to have cleared up), Abbey is now the proud owner of an eight square foot cage. In New York City they’d have called it a pied-à-terre and charged her $450,000.

Even though we bought it this week to help with Abbey’s recent anxiety (again, totally fine now, she’s great, please watch our dog for us), the real reason we needed this cage is that in ten months we’re going to use it to transport her to Africa. So while a lot of people we know have been getting travel orders and plane tickets and diplomatic passports, we finally took our own first step towards moving abroad. Now we just have to convince Abbey that her cage is a safe place before they load her into the belly of a jumbo jet and ship her across the Atlantic.

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