Some trivia: The average college-educated adult knows about 20,000 words.
Interesting? Absolutely.
Horrifying and daunting to those of us trying to learn a second language? Yes, that too.
But fear not, because there’s more: The average college-educated adult only uses about 2,000 of the words she knows in her everyday speech. Now that sounds much better.
By my completely unscientific calculation, I think I have around 500 French words committed to memory. Of course, recalling and conjugating them at lightning speed will continue to be the challenge, but it’s still reassuring that I already have tucked away somewhere in my brain 25% of the vocabulary I’ll need to conduct myself in French like a somewhat intelligent adult.
Well, aside from the whole issue of my accent. But we’re just going to pretend that problem doesn’t exist for now. Thanks.propecia generic from india
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