how my french has already gotten worse
Andy discovers that the more he speaks French, the worse he gets. Continue reading
Andy discovers that the more he speaks French, the worse he gets. Continue reading
An extra long weekend is a nice welcome to Benin. Continue reading
The journey begins (after we survive a boring day, carless, in an airport hotel). Continue reading
Things are coming together. Five days to go! Continue reading
This time next week we’ll (finally!) be Benin bound. Continue reading
Today Flynn turns two! Okay, okay — two months, not two years, and he’s really not terrible at all. But it does feels more like two years than two months; it’s hard to remember life before the little guy. It’s probably good we don’t dwell too much about life before Flynn, though, because we’ve already broken a fair number of our parenting resolutions… Continue reading
A lot has happened since our last update. Continue reading
Our days in DC are dwindling, as evidenced by the growing piles of stuff for the movers to haul away. Continue reading
One sign that our departure is imminent: we have our travel orders! Continue reading
Has it been a month already? Continue reading