Weekends in Cotonou usually revolve around the beach. This one was no different. There are a few choices for specific beach destination, though. Today we opted for the closest, just a 20 minute drive past seaside settlements and palm tree forests.

Our destination was a beachfront restaurant with plenty of lounge chairs.

The food is the main attraction. Even non fish eating Andy opts for the fish of the day here.

After eating you can splash around in the water. A few brave people wade out or even surf, but the undertow is far too strong to safely swim with a toddler, much to one certain toddler’s chagrin.

Want a souvenir to remember your day at the beach? No problem. Dozens of vendors will come right up to your table selling everything from jewelry to baskets to toy chests to swords. Yes, swords.

While the beach is a relaxing and lovely way to spend a day for most people, like everything, it’s a little different with a toddler in tow. As our friends relaxed on lounge chairs reading books and magazines, we shielded Flynn from an overeager puppy, shielded said puppy from an overeager Flynn, wiped sand from Flynn’s month, wiped sand from Flynn’s sippy cup, chased Flynn away from waves bigger than him… you get the idea.
We look forward to relaxing when he’s five.
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