Alex (while reading Us Weekly): Christina Applegate says her 18 month old recites the whole alphabet.
Andy: That Christina Applegate is a dirty liar.

Christina Applegate is probably not actually a liar, and that’s okay. With all due respect to her and everyone else’s parenting decisions, we’re going a different route. We’re not going to be the those parents who have our 1.5 year old memorize the alphabet or teach our 2.5 year old to read.
First of all, I learned to read with everyone else in my first grade class, and I turned out just fine. (Although I still do remember being mad at my mom for not teaching me at home, because the kids who already could read got to be in what seemed like a super special and elite reading group, darn them. But luckily I got over that.)
Second of all, come on, he’s a kid. I’d rather spend our moments together giggling at Abbey or blowing bubbles or walking along the shore. These are the sort of memories that I’m so glad to have from childhood, and I think one day he’ll be grateful for them too. Why make life serious and achievement driven before it has to be?
So if Flynn does happen to whip out the ABCs or learn to read before he starts school, don’t congratulate us. Credit most likely belongs to Mouk or The Hive or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Yes, we have also decided to be the sort of parents who let our toddler watch TV. Horror of horrors.
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