The original plan was for me to leave Benin in mid-June and go directly to a temporary assignment in DC, which I’d stick with until my due date in mid-August.

To be honest, I’m not exactly sure how this plan came to be. I guess I never really considered another option. I worked up until the day I gave birth to Flynn, so why wouldn’t I do the same this time? Besides, I’ve had a job — oftentimes multiple jobs simultaneously — since I was 15, and I don’t think there’s ever been a stretch when I haven’t worked unless there was a very good reason not to, like maternity leave #1. So of course I’d work when I got back to DC.
Except, well…. enter beauracracy.
It’s not worth going into all the details, but suffice it to say that about a month before I was scheduled to leave Benin I got word that I couldn’t work a temporary assignment in DC after all. It was a decision that didn’t make sense for a lot of reasons, and one I’m sure I could get overturned if I fought it, but it got me to thinking… was this really worth the fight? Did I even need or buy paxil want to work?
Financially, me working isn’t crucial to our family finances now that Andy’s an FSO too. Professionally, not working wouldn’t really be any worse than a temporary assignment. Logistically, it would certainly be easier to manage moving into a new house and all that goes along with that if one of us were at home during the week. Personally, spending quality time with Flynn taking advantage of the many fun toddler activities we’ve missed out on during the last two years in Africa sounded pretty great too.
Really, why didn’t I consider this option before?
Between this break, maternity leave, and an uncertain but likely far off start date for Spanish training, it may very well be a good long while before I return to work. And, much to my surprise, that is just fine with me.

So if you happen to be in Northern Virginia and are looking to meet up at a playground or water park or ice cream shop in the middle of the day — I’m your gal.
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