We’re still here, but not for long. With our stuff gone, we’ve been making camp in our big but virtually empty house. Desperate to not let our remaining consumable items go to waste, we’ve been putting together meals that look a little something like this:

This last stretch of time at post feels to me like a drawn out break up. We all know the goodbye is coming and that in many ways it’s going to be heartbreaking. But it’s necessary and for the best. At this point, I’m anxious to just get to the other side of it and start settling into our future.
Flynn’s ready too, if only because Andy promised during one recent Skype call to take him on the Metro when they’re reunited. “Go airplane? See Daddy? Go choo choo train?” he asks incessantly. Unfortunately the concept of “soon” is a little beyond the grasp of a certain two year old, whose bags are packed and ready to go.