You might have heard the buzz about Costco’s big bears. They’ve arrived in Mexico too. Jonah’s not exactly a fan.
Yes, we have Costco here, and yes, we’re members. We never joined stateside, but here they carry some products you can’t find elsewhere, so we caved.
It’s hard to feel sorry for our “hardship” of living overseas given the existence of a Costco in our post of assignment, isn’t it? We would have killed for one when we were in Benin. And this Costco happens to be right across the street from a swanky mall with an Outback, a PF Chang’s, a Cheesecake Factory, and any American clothing store you might want, too. And it’s just one of many swanky malls in town.
We’re trying to steer clear of American chains as much as possible, because we didn’t move overseas to live like we would have back home, but I’m not going to lie — it’s nice to have the option to visit familiar places from time to time.
Although I maintain that living without a Trader Joe’s still constitutes some level of hardship.
What American store do you miss most?
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