yep, still alive

Where has the time gone? In the last — what, six months? — since our last post, we have:

Dropped the kids in Ohio for an adults only trip to the Yucatan.


Explored the colorful colonial town of San Miguel de Allende.

Smiles in San Miguel.
Smiles in San Miguel.

Celebrated America’s birthday on a Mexican beach.

Lucky little boys.
Lucky little boys.

Turned two (Jonah).

I'm two!
I’m two!

Turned four (Flynn).


Entertained some guests.



Taken a Mom and Flynn only trip to Connecticut and New York City.

Future Yalie.
Future Yalie.

And much more!

Mostly, we’ve just been living the good life here in Guadalajara and counting our blessings for what we still think is the nicest Foreign Service posting we’ll ever see.

(Can you tell bidding season and all its related stress and pessimism is upon on? More about that later.)

Anything here you want to know more about? Let us know in the comments. Otherwise, we’ll try to resume regular glimpses into life in Guadalajara soon.


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