With Flynn officially part of his own soccer team (or Mexican Football, as he calls it), I had been thinking it was time I took him to a soccer game. Then, while sitting at home one Sunday morning, trying to figure out what to do with the kids that day, I decided to see if Guadalajara’s most famous soccer club, las Chivas, were in town. As luck would have it, not only were they in town, but kids got in free that night. So I headed down to the stadium and bought tickets.

Even though Flynn was initially disappointed that the “surprise” I came home with didn’t involve chocolate, he eventually got excited (especially when I told him there might be chocolate things to buy at the game). I’ve taken Flynn to a few baseball games and even a high school hockey game, so I knew that the keys to making sure he had a good time were to get seats where he could see and to keep the snacks coming. With that in mind, we set out to the game, both decked out in Chivas red.
Chivas plays a new, modern stadium on the outskirts of Guadalajara that’s only a short drive from our house. I’d been there earlier that morning to buy the tickets, but Flynn was excited to see a soccer field that was even bigger than the one where he played, and even bigger than a house.

The game was exciting and Flynn paid more attention than ever. He stood up and cheered when Chivas scored. He liked looking at the section where everyone was waiving flags and he told me that the goalies were wearing different shirts so no one would kick them when they went to pick up the ball.
Much to Flynn’s disappointment, Mexico, or at least Estadio Omnilife, has not quite caught on to the trend in American stadiums to offer as many different kinds of foods as possible. There was pizza and hot dogs, popcorn and chips, but not much else. Especially not the ice cream I promised Flynn.

The wonderful thing about soccer games is that from start to finish, they are over in two hours. This is especially great when you’re with a four year old. The game was winding down at just about the time that Flynn decided to lay down on the seats. We grabbed a taxi and headed home, Flynn happily spilling his potato chips in the back of the cab, and me determining that I was going to buy Flynn a real Chivas jersey one day.