It’s been a long seven weeks without our car. As nice as other people have been about giving us rides, it’s just not the same as being able to go exactly where you want, when you want. Especially when hauling around a certain four-month-old who may or may not remain in a public-appropriate mood for as long as you’d like.
Thankfully, our car arrived yesterday! By some miracle we managed to find our way home from work without incident, and today we promptly headed off to the one place we knew how to get to: the pool.
Flynn was mostly indifferent to his first swimming experience. However, he tired himself out enough to take a nice long nap, which allowed his mom to relax poolside catching up on her People magazine reading. Thanks buddy.
In the evening we found our way out to a restaurant. (I’m sure we didn’t take the most direct path, but we got there.) And we made it home safely too, despite an unintentional detour through the airport. Oops.
And tomorrow? Our first drive out of town! Luckily we’ll be following others who know the way.
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