two crises averted (& other updates)
Things are coming together. Five days to go! Continue reading
Things are coming together. Five days to go! Continue reading
This time next week we’ll (finally!) be Benin bound. Continue reading
A lot has happened since our last update. Continue reading
Our days in DC are dwindling, as evidenced by the growing piles of stuff for the movers to haul away. Continue reading
One sign that our departure is imminent: we have our travel orders! Continue reading
In the past two weeks we have made some progress, but there is still a lot to do before we leave DC. Continue reading
We’re still excited about this Foreign Service adventure, but we also can’t help but wonder what else we’d do if we were ever to leave the State Department. Continue reading
Flynn is here, but the work is just beginning. Continue reading
As we’ve mentioned before, we’re hoping to teach the baby both English and French from the start. We know plenty about the many benefits (and several drawbacks) of bilingualism, and we’re definitely sold on it. What we don’t yet know is how — practically speaking — to go about raising a bilingual baby. Continue reading
How do I view the news differently when I know FSO’s all over the world? Continue reading