our mexican digs
Want to see inside our home? Here you go! Continue reading
Want to see inside our home? Here you go! Continue reading
A 7-11 like convenient store, Oxxos are ubiquitous in Mexico, or at least in Guadalajara. And our kids are strangely obsessed. Continue reading
Some photos from a walk along the boardwalk in Chapala, Mexico. Continue reading
For Christmas, Flynn’s got a pretty perfect present for a Foreign Service kid. Continue reading
A stroll through the local IKEA, er, I mean, IDEA. Continue reading
In Mexico, kids don’t send their letters to Santa through the mail. Instead, they roll them up, tie them onto the strings of red and green colored helium balloons, and then release them into the air. Off to the North … Continue reading
We couldn’t really figure out what there was to do in the mountaintop town everyone kept recommending to us, but we decided to go anyway. Continue reading
Mexico doesn’t celebrate Black Friday, but we found out they have their own version. Continue reading
I’ve been at post for four months now and not until last week did I have any after-hours diplomatic responsibilities. That break was great, and it made the arrival of an evening event a welcome rather than dreaded occurrence. Continue reading
Our first weekend out of town. Bring on the beach. Continue reading