funny haircut
One thing someone should warn you about when you’re gearing up to have a kid is that you’ll never blow dry your hair again. Continue reading
One thing someone should warn you about when you’re gearing up to have a kid is that you’ll never blow dry your hair again. Continue reading
Happy Halloween! Continue reading
On reclaiming the “life” half of work-life balance. Continue reading
It’s been a long seven weeks without our car. As nice as other people have been about giving us rides, it’s just not the same as being able to go exactly where you want, when you want. Especially when hauling … Continue reading
In honor of Labor Day weekend… Continue reading
Today was the final day of Ramadan, so the Embassy was closed. The streets were packed with people dressed in their finest, en route to celebrations with friends and family. Or so Andy told me after returning from his run. … Continue reading
Andy discovers that the more he speaks French, the worse he gets. Continue reading
Today Flynn turns two! Okay, okay — two months, not two years, and he’s really not terrible at all. But it does feels more like two years than two months; it’s hard to remember life before the little guy. It’s probably good we don’t dwell too much about life before Flynn, though, because we’ve already broken a fair number of our parenting resolutions… Continue reading
Our days in DC are dwindling, as evidenced by the growing piles of stuff for the movers to haul away. Continue reading
Abbey’s figured out how she can help take care of Flynn. Continue reading