bad monkey
I forgot to mention that I was attacked by a monkey. Attacked might be a bit of a stretch since a giant metal cage separated us. But I was standing there about a foot away, taking a picture of Flynn … Continue reading
I forgot to mention that I was attacked by a monkey. Attacked might be a bit of a stretch since a giant metal cage separated us. But I was standing there about a foot away, taking a picture of Flynn … Continue reading
The baby is one day late, and Alex is grumpy about it. Continue reading
Here’s a pregnancy picture — enjoy! Continue reading
How do I view the news differently when I know FSO’s all over the world? Continue reading
Waiting for the baby. Waiting to get to Benin. We’re just pretty much just waiting around these days… which makes us feel guilty as friends and colleagues are off making important contributions in Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and beyond. Continue reading
Abbey finds herself in need of a consular officer. Continue reading
Where will we be living in a week? After some stressful scrambling, we now know. Continue reading
Alex’s thoughts on pregnancy thus far. Continue reading
Alex is far enough along now that we’re starting to feel the need to make plans. Like what to buy. What books to read. What classes to sign up for. How much maternity leave to take. Where exactly to spend it. These are daunting questions for all first-time parents, but it seems like everything is doubly hard for us because of our impending move to Benin. Continue reading
At our 20-week sonogram, we found out the baby’s gender! Continue reading